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John & Blake Hairston





A Message from Blake

My father and I started this business after building a few smokers of our own. During the fabrication of our first smoker while running down parts, we had a few people ask us to build one for them. Even though we felt like we barely knew what we were doing at the time, we agreed. Then those few build turned into a few more builds. It got to the point that we always had at least one to build. We sat down one day in the shop, and talked about it. We had a decision to make. Are we just going to make a few for family and friends or are we going all in? Since then, we have made over 100 custom smokers! We've changed up our design a few times, invested in new machinery, and changes to our methods and we believe we have created the perfect smoker. I'm truly lucky to be able to share this time and work with my dad. None of this would be possible without him.

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